Ugh…… Monday

Bailey Kennedy, West 7th grader, on a Monday morning.

Alayna Calma

Bailey Kennedy, West 7th grader, on a Monday morning.

Alayna Calma, Reporter

No one wants to go through the terrible, awful, and horrendous pain Mondays give you.  Mondays are the worst day of the week. Here is a glimpse of what Mondays are like for students here at school.

Honestly, Monday is the worst in my opinion. Everyone is tired and just wants to sleep. I’m pretty sure it’s hard to get up in the morning knowing that it’s Monday. Sometimes everyone is in a bad mood and it is contagious. When people get to school they complain about how they are in school and not in bed.

Mondays are boring in every single way possible. Literally no one wants to wake up and go to school. I’m always tired and grumpy on Monday mornings. I just want to go home and never come back to school. The whole day I’m yawning and wanting to fall asleep in class (which I don’t).

Maggie Francis, a 7th grader at West Middle School, states, ¨ I normally stay up on the weekend and then come Monday, I realize that I forgot to do my homework¨. Everyone says that they are usually tired, grumpy, limp, and groggy. I asked Addison Bielecki, 7th grader at West Middle School,  if she wanted to start school later and she said: “No because I would get out of school later”.

The next Monday is coming soon, so try to cheer up and check your attitude. Perhaps, try to smile, keep your complaints to yourself, and drink some coffee!