West Middle Schools Mascot
Hello West Middle School! Since the year is winding down, here is a recap of the West Middle School 2017-18 year. We’ve had many things going on, such as field trips, many memes coming and going, and Fortnite, ah yes Fortnite.
In the first quarter, the newly added journalism class was up and running. Students were at the time learning more about their new teachers for the year and who they would be working with for the next few months. Advanced Algebra had a review/warm-up session to get into the swing of things so that students could get ready for the other half of the semester. The quarter then ended with a PBIS party and midterm for Advanced Algebra, with Halloween and Thanksgiving mixed in.
The second quarter had some more in store for Advanced Algebra, Christmas and the break, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and this was the quarter people were dreading, the semester final in Advanced Algebra. We ended with the PBIS reward so the students could have a good time and enjoy the holidays.
The next semester is when Fortnite dominated the school, Advanced Algebra had a large difficulty spike with quadratics and the second half of journalism came in. With a midterm/final and two PBIS parties which were the talent show and a Thrilling Thursday. Towards the end of the semester, we will be turning in Chromebooks on Monday, June 4th, Tuesday, June 5th, and Wednesday, June 6th.
There were some other fads too. “Fidget Spinners, Jake Paul, and dabbing,” according to Nathan Coon, a 7th-grade student of West Middle School. And according to Jack Nelson, another 7th grade West Middle School student, “Gucci Gang but there was only a few”.
West this year had many interesting things to do and see. Since the year is almost over, time to count up the days until summer!