Behind the PBIS Rewards
April 18, 2018
If you like the PBIS rewards, you have probably wondered how the rewards are organized.
Mrs. Hammoud, Assistant principal at West Middle School, told us all about the PBIS rewards. We asked Mrs. Hammoud if it was fair to people who lose all their PBIS to not go to the PBIS rewards? She stated “I think it is fair because students have put themselves in that situation. It’s not that a teacher just made this decision, you have to keep in mind that at the beginning of each quarter students are given three chances to do the right thing and not until they lose all of their PBIS cards, then they can’t participate in the reward.” This seems fair because if a student loses all three PBIS cards, they can earn a Caught Ya Being Awesome to participate in the PBIS reward.
Mrs. Hammoud stated that “For the reward,s we have a PBIS team and we brainstorm ideas every time we meet.” The team gets feedback from our students to see what intrigues them as far as a reward. West also has a PBIS leadership team and it has been very involved. This is the first year for the PBIS Leadership team. The PBIS Leadership team is made up of students. Mrs. Hammoud hopes that “[PBIS rewards] motivates students to make positive choices in school so that’s how we come up with those rewards.”
Lastly, we asked Mrs. Hammoud if she would ever let students decide what to do with the rewards and her exact words were? Her response: “Yeah, actually in the next class meeting we are going to let students determine what they would like for the 4th quarter because we want to have students be extremely motivated at the end of the school year.”
Meghan McCarthy, a seventh grader, states, “PBIS rewards are pretty fun. They’re entertaining.” The last PBIS reward was the Talent Show. The student performers did an outstanding job. Darren Doyle, seventh-grader, “At the end, when all the students went up on staged and danced, it was pretty funny.” Martin Dobrowolski states, “I like the concession stands.”
It seems that the West students love the PBIS rewards. If you have a reward idea, let Mrs. Hammoud know! Hold onto your PBIS cards and we will see you at the fourth quarter reward!

Rania Hammoud • May 2, 2018 at 8:42 am
Nice work gentlemen! I appreciate you writing about the PBIS program at West.
Aidan • Apr 20, 2018 at 10:45 am
this was very good. I think they both deserve candy for all of the hard work they did.
From: Bobby
johnathan • Apr 18, 2018 at 11:30 am
this is outstanding work it is explicitly wonderful and by far my favorite article and the writers should be paid lots of money and candy