We Need More Sports and Clubs at West!

Grace Cheetam

Sports equipment in the West gym.

Grace Cheetam and Caitlyn Blasch

Do you think we need more sports and clubs at West? Many West students feel we need more sports at West. Right now, our school is changing. We are getting a new assistant principal, having primetime instead of homeroom, and getting new Chromebook cases. Could sports and clubs be the next big change for West?

Lily Hetzel, seventh grade, said, “I think that we should have soccer teams so that people can make new friends. I think that we should have different clubs so that people can get more involved  and see who likes the same things that they like”

Jenna Badger contradicted with, “I don’t think we need more sports at West because there’s a good balance between girl and boy sports and like coed sports. I think we should have different clubs because then kids will be excited to pick up their own hobbies at school so they can have more fun at school if they don’t enjoy it usually”

While Leo Jividen stated, “ I do think we should have more sports at West because it can make students be more active and have after-school activities.”

Mr.Wells, our school’s athletic director stated, “I think based on the amount of time in the school year that having seven sports to offer students for both male and female, I think that is plenty. So then we would have to look into the sports facilities to be able to support all the other sports”.

The sports that we used to have at west was boys softball, but that was it.

 That’s why we think we need more sports at West. Tell us what u think about if we should have more sports and clubs at west down below in the pole