The Cross Country Team is Undefeated!

Diane DeAngelis, WMS Mom

Captured this amazing picture of theWest Boys running their fastest

Cross country team is currently undefeated before the big League Meet on October 16 at Cass Benton Park in Northville. The race will start at 4:15 pm. The sixth graders will run first, the seventh and eighth-grade boys run second, and the seventh and eighth-grade girls run third.

Maya Mitts, seventh-grade student, says she likes cross country because she likes running and the other people on the team are nice. The seventh and eighth graders race two miles. The sixth graders race 1.5 miles. 

Coach Horvath said she has been coaching for the past ten years. She loves coaching and used to run cross country for Salem High School. She feels that running is an important skill to learn that can help you with other sports. 

The captains on the team are 8th graders. The captains are Evan Pirrie, Jack Leyden, Sean Byrnes, Jack Nelson, Cara Newman, Ella Binder, and Isabell Kulick, Sofia Poulos, and Mary Kate L’Heureux. Coach Horvath says, “All of these captains model daily what we expect from out runners. These runners are fantastic and always do was is expected of them.”

This is a winning team, however, the girls and boy sixth grade have lost once to other middle school teams.  Let’s wish them luck at the Leauge Meet!