The Truth about the NWEA Testing!
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January 15, 2019
NWEA Testing. This is a test that students dread taking. NWEA testing is long and boring. West students take the NWEA test three times a year in their Math and Language Arts classes. It usually takes students at least 2 days to take the test. NWEA stands for Northwest Educational Association, which is the company that makes the test. Why do we even take this long, grueling test?
Caitlin Noe, a 7th grader at West doesn’t like the NWEA test. She doesn’t like having to take the NWEA and the M-STEP within such a short time frame. Caitlin doesn’t think we need to take need to take the NWEA 3 times a year and feels we should take it only twice a year, in the Fall and Spring, to see how students have improved over the year.
Mrs. Horvath, a 7th grade Language Arts and Journalism teacher, said that NWEA testing affects her teaching. The testing interrupts the flow of her class and takes up time. Mrs. Horvath said that the testing is supposed to guide her teaching and tell her what she needs to work on with her students. She doesn’t think that we should take it 3 times a year. Mrs. Horvath would rather the NWEA test be taken twice a year.
Mr. Smiley said that we take the test to show teachers our progress and it lets them know if they are teaching the right material. Mr. Smiley said, “This will be our 5th year taking the test.” He said that students do best on the winter tests. Personally, Mr. Smiley thinks that we should take the test twice a year.
As you can see, both teachers and students dislike NWEA testing. Let us know what you think about NWEA testing in the comments.
Don’t forget, winter testing is just around the corner. Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders will be tested in February 2019.
Unknown • Mar 1, 2019 at 12:52 pm
I agree with you, Griffin.
Griffin • Jan 25, 2019 at 10:56 am
I hate the nwea and M-step
nub • Jan 25, 2019 at 10:55 am
NWEA really suuuuuuucks. it usually can take THREE days instead of 2