Why Are Semester Grades Important?
MiStar login page students use to check their grades.
January 15, 2019
The end of the semester is coming up fast! The first semester for the 2018-2019 school year is January 25, 2019. Semester grades are very important. They are important because the grades are recorded on your official record.
Mrs. Swift, a West counselor, said, “When you get into high school, there aren’t really quarter grades but there are semester grades and they determine a lot.” For example, if you were to fail a class, you have to retake that same class 2nd semester or the next school year. If you end up failing two or more classes, then you would have to go to summer school. Even though summer school is expensive, it helps lots of kids to earn graduation credits. Your high school semester grades are sent to colleges when you apply.
But that’s for high school. Why should middle schoolers care about their semester grades? In 8th grade, your semester grades will determine what classes you have in 9th grade. Mrs. Swift mentioned that she notices kids grades start to drop 2nd and 3rd quarter of the school, year.
Mrs. Horvath talked about how semester grades are your average of your 1st and 2nd quarter grades. She continued to say that your semester grades are more important than your quarter grades. She also mentioned that grades are more important in high school because those grades are sent to colleges, however, your middle school grades impact what classes you take in high school.
Olivia Stults, seventh-grader, thinks grades matter because it reflects how you did overall. Olivia continued to say, “Semester grades are important for NJHS.” Kyle Dani, seventh-grader, thinks that semester grades are very important too. He also said that semester grades are more important than the quarter grades.
Take your grades seriously! Make sure each quarter grade is strong because it will impact you in the long run!
Laurel Dandurand • Jan 22, 2019 at 7:19 pm
I think that Olivia Stults is right. I think that all of the different grades that middle schoolers have are important to their careers.