Primetime vs. Homeroom

Frances Walewski and Marisa Cribari

Primetime or Homeroom? What would you prefer?

Mr. Smiley reflected, “I think right now I mean that’s still a decision …right now I would tell you we probably will have primetime [next year].” Mr. Smiley prefers primetime because “it’s been good having it not at the start of the day, but instead having it at the middle of the day,” and it helps us to improve our reading skills. Mr. Smiley also tells us that primetime will be 33 minutes and right after 4th hour (the same as this year). People used to use homeroom as a free hour, but now when Mr. Smiley walks around, he sees everybody reading.

Anaka Kotha, a West 7th grader, explains, “I prefer homeroom. Primetime is just much longer than homeroom and like it’s nice to have something before school … to get into the school groove.” “I would prefer to do my homework if they’re gonna put it between 4th hour and 5th hour.” She also feels that homeroom is better than primetime because if people are late, they don’t have to miss their first-hour class.

What do you prefer? Post your ideas in the comment section below! You can also vote on primetime or homeroom in the poll!