All about DeBuck’s Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch!
A walk through cider mills.
October 7, 2019
DeBuck’s Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch is located at 50240 Martz Rd, Belleville, MI. West students should visit DeBuck’s this fall because it is super cool and family-friendly. DeBucks is a great location to visit on Halloween, for Thanksgiving, or to host a birthday party at.
Andrew Williams, Debuck’s employee, states, “I have been working here for almost 7 yrs, my uncle is a part-owner of the business and I have been coming to Debuck’s for 11yrs and I really like Debuck’s”. Andrew’s favorite’s part is hanging out by the corn maze.
Popular Attractions
Popular attractions at Debuck’s are the corn maze, pumpkin patch, and kitchen. The lesser-known attractions are the rat races, the petal go-cart races, the jump pad, the giant slides, rubber duck races, a few swing sets, the “world’s largest jump pad”, tractor rides to the pumpkin patch, punchin’ pumpkins game, two jump pads, a tire play area, a corn box filled with dried corn, a bouncing ball play area, a goat petting zoo where you can feed and pet the goats, the sunflower farm, and a gaga ball pit. The best weather to go to Debuck’s is partly cloudy so you don’t get all hot and sweaty. The best season to go in is Fall, so you aren’t sweaty, and you aren’t freezing your toes off!!
Hungry? Here is the Menu at the DeBuck’s kitchen:
- Homemade Cinnamon & Sugar Donuts
- Pulled Pork Sandwich
- Hot Dogs
- Chili Dogs
- Walking Tacos
- Mac and Cheese
- Nachos-Chili and Cheese
- Assortment of Chips
- Candy Bars and Snacks
- Apple cider (hot, cold, or slushie)
- Coffee
- Hot chocolate
- Pepsi
- Bottled water
Ya boi. • Oct 21, 2019 at 3:57 pm
Sean Covington • Oct 18, 2019 at 1:05 pm
I love DeBuck’s! I went there 2 weeks ago. Nice article Levity