Donating during the holidays! Plymouth Community United Way is looking forward to donations this year.
November 13, 2020
It’s time for the holiday spirit! The Plymouth Community United Way is looking forward to donations this year. Sarah Scholl, the Administrative Assistant for Plymouth Community United Way, feels it is especially important to help people who can’t afford much around the holidays.
The Plymouth Community United Way is located in Downtown Plymouth next to the Saint Joseph of Mercy Ann Arbor Health Center. The Plymouth Community United Way has been helping others since 1944. The donation center collects hygiene products, and also canned goods. and pass them out to those who need them the most.
Middle schoolers could also get involved. Mrs. Scholl agrees that “The best way to help probably would be food drives or hygiene drives or non-perishable foods.” The Plymouth Community United Way accepts donations dropoffs at 960 W. Ann Arbor Trail. “We also work with the Salvation Army food pantry and Saint Mary’s Food Pantry in Wayne.”
She also states that “You can drop off donations and then we distribute them to who needs them the most.” Mrs. Scholl also comments that “It’s a little more difficult to find donations. It’s also more difficult because a lot of people are limiting what kind of donations they’ll accept.” Donations have been down since the start of the pandemic.
The Plymouth Community United Way will be helping others for many years to come. Find out more by visiting their website at
Zoey Hall • Dec 1, 2020 at 8:42 am
Great way to bring awareness!
Cooper • Dec 1, 2020 at 8:41 am
This is a cool article you should make more like these to inform more people about these kinds of topics
Avarielle • Dec 1, 2020 at 8:41 am
I think that your article was awesome and very informative.
warwick brodzik • Nov 17, 2020 at 8:52 am
Nice job