DTP Fountain brings luck and West Cross Country Wins the League Meet!

October 21, 2021
The West Cross Country team completed their “Good Luck Fountain Run ” during their last practice of the season. Previously, the team was unable to complete the actual Fountain Run because the fountain had been under construction. The fountain was finished just in time, and perhaps helped the Cross Country team become League Meet Champions!
Mr. Wooster, WMS Cross Country Coach, said the team runs the Fountain Run the day before a race because it is a shorter distance, “ ‘It is an easy, fun 1.2 mile run and it is a tradition we have for the team.” Former coach, Mrs. Horvath started the Fountain Run tradition.
What did the team do when the fountain was under construction? Mr. Wooster stated. “Mrs. Bazzi made her own fountain drawing that was the same distance as the normal fountain run.”
I asked him how the team will do in the league meet and he said, “I think we are going to do great because we worked hard to get where we got to and I think we will keep up the win streak.” Mr. Wooster was correct because the cross country team ended up winning the League Meet.
Maybe seeing the fountain open before the League Meet gave the team luck. But in the end, like Mr. Wooster said, “We worked hard to get where we are now.”
Zayd Ghadieh • Oct 21, 2021 at 12:57 pm
I like this article it is nice friendly, and a short-read article good job adam