The Prophecy Chapter 4

Emma Panetta, Writer

“Perhaps,” Faven says. “It is time to tell you the whole truth.
Now, this is a story you have never heard before. Those fairytales that are told only have an ounce of truth. The King was a very, very bad person. And so has every king since.  See, the darkness that consumed the land was not literal darkness.  The King took the children of the land and locked them up. I do not know why. In the prison it was completely black, the children began to call it The Lantern. I spent years in that prison, slowly losing hope. And then something happened.  I still don’t know how but I turned on the light. It was brighter than anything we had seen in years.  In the chaos that followed, one managed to escape. The boy found his way back home to eventually raise a family. And when each generation came of age, he told the story of a girl who brought light back into his world. His name was Kathen Tudor and he was your great-grandfather. Years later your current King found him and threw him back in here.  Everyone else has been stuck here for years  and…..” BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Everything goes dark.