Should West students have their phones during lunch and recess?

Ella Lukasik and Alyse Heering

Should students be able to have their phones during lunch?  

Mr. Smiley gave his opinion on phones at lunch, “The first thing that people will do when they get to the lunch room would be to get on their phones.” Basically that means that phones would be really distracting to students! It would cause drama and people wouldn’t make eye contact with people at their table. People would also be to distracted to eat and wouldn’t finish their lunch!

Marleigh Hammond, West 7th grader said “ I think that phones would be nice to have during lunch because we are already at school for a long time and it would be nice to have a break.” We were not shocked that a student and staff member had a different perspective.

We totally understand why kids think having a cell phone is not a big deal. However, cell phones are distracting and can cause many problems between students. There can be pictures taken of students while they are doing something. That might be embarrassing to them.