Mrs. Haynes, New Dean of Students, Visits West
April 14, 2022
Ms. Haynes could be seen walking around during recess introducing herself to students on April 7, 2022.
Ms. Haynes’s job, which officially starts next school year, will be to check on students and focus on student behavior. She will be in varying places throughout the school.
We sat down with Ms. Haynes and asked how it feels to be the first Dean at West. Ms. Haynes said, “I am super excited and super happy about being able
to work with Mr. Smiley and Mrs. Kulczycki.” Ms. Haynes will be monitoring students just like the principals.
“I also want to improve on what West has to offer for students already,” Ms. Haynes stated.
Ms. Haynes will also visit west again on the 21st of April.
Welcome, to West Ms. Haynes!
M.B. (6th Grader) • Apr 29, 2022 at 1:03 pm
Welcome to WMS, Mrs. Haynes! I hope you like your time here, and go Bulldogs!
Name (required) • Apr 15, 2022 at 12:59 pm