League Meet June 1, Go Watch all Middle Schools Compete!
May 31, 2022
The 2021-2022 track season is slowly winding down after around 4 weeks of hard work. The annual League Meet that happens every year is happening this Wednesday, Jun 1, 2022.
The League meet is where all of the schools from the Plymouth-Canton District come together for a final race.
Even students who aren’t on the track meet love to attend the League meet. Students can go there after school to see friends from all the different middle schools compete and have fun while watching. Just so you’re ready, it cost $1 for non-running students to attend.
In the first meet of the year against East, the West track team tied East 105-105. The second meet of the season was on Tuesday, May 24, West team lost to Pioneer. Two races have been canceled due to weather, so it is up in the air how the Bulldogs will do in the League Meet.
Anonymous • Jul 17, 2022 at 5:34 pm
Hmm. I’m from pioneer and I remember not competing against west for track. I think that meet was canceled due to weather. I wish they had a newspaper like this at pioneer! It seems cool.