Band Counts as Language Credit?

West band playing a song.

Cara Jones

Did you know band counts as language credits? Some of you might have not known, and some of you might. It also might shock you and might make you ask why, here’s why.


“Band counts as a foreign language because you are basically speaking it” the band teacher Mrs. Farmer explains. 


It does not count for language credit in middle school but you can make it work in high school. 


If you were wondering if you could join the band without knowing anything about the band, here is your answer, “If you don’t really know anything about the band you can join the marching band but not join the actual band that counts as a language credit.” Mrs. Farmer also states.


Looking back at myself in sixth grade I wish I did band not just because it counts as language credit in high school but because now in seventh grade I want to do it because it looks fun to play and learn.


Did you know this? And does this now change your mind about the band? Leave a comment below!