Better skin is in!

March 15, 2023
Do you want better skin? If you do, I have the solution for you. You need a skincare routine! Before you start you need to know the basis. The products you need are a cleanser, toner, serum, and a moisturizer. You’re probably thinking that’s a lot of work, but you can do the bare minimum! Just doing a cleanser and a moisturizer will get the job done. Some good brands to choose from are CeraVe, Cetephil, Byoma, Bubble, The Ordinary, First Aid Beauty, Clinique, and PanOxyl.
We interviewed West Middle School students on how they feel about their skin, what they do to their skin, and what products they use if they use any.
Zeina, West student, talks about her skincare products, “I usually cleanse my face with the L to MD cleanser, and then put toner on my face, and then moisturizer. I use
L to MD for my facial cleanser, and then I use the bubble moisturizer. I recommend all the products I use.”
Meghan, West student, shares her thoughts on her skincare, “I think my skin is okay. I wash my face and put toner and moisturizer on it. I use a serum from the ordinary, and then I use items from my dermatologist. I also use CeraVe facial cleanser and moisturizer.” Meghan recommends all of the products she uses!
Lexie, West student, talks about her skincare routin,. “I think my skin is okay. I wash it and I put moisturizer and serums on my face. I use the CeraVe cleanser and then acne cleanser. The daily moisturizing lotion from CeraVe. I also use a serum from the ordinary. I recommended all of these products!”
Sylvie, West student, states her thoughts on skincare, “My skin is okay. I wash my face, put moisturizer on. I use bubble, the ordinary, drunk elephant, and glossier. I highly recommend all of these products.”
After hearing West Students’ thoughts on their skincare routine, hopefully you found some products and tips to help start your skincare journey!
Norah • Mar 20, 2023 at 11:10 am
I really like your picture it matches the article well!
Isla Jones • Mar 16, 2023 at 11:13 am
I like that you guys included good brands to choose from!
Elaina • Mar 16, 2023 at 10:58 am
I like how you guys included peoples opinion on products and used different people in every article.
Madelyn B • Mar 16, 2023 at 10:27 am
I like how you asked for recomendations on skin care products.