In the fall it starts to cool down and people start to get colds and other viruses. Have you ever wondered why? Well tune in to get an insight about why most people get colds in the fall.
Most people get colds because the cold weather can suppress your immune system and it makes it easier for colds and infections to take hold. When you turn on the heater to your house in the fall the dust mites from the summer rise into the air. Also some other things that happen in the fall are sore throats which are common symptoms of allergies, common colds, and the flu. Ear infections are caused by inflammation or viruses in the fall season. Cold and damp weather like the fall/winter season dries up the airways and can increase asthma attacks.
We talked to Leesa Kulczycki, school nurse for West Middle School. She explained that the flu season is normally in winter and fall because sickness thrives in cooler temperatures and replicates easier in the cooler temperatures. It’s easier for the germs to get around because everyone is inside because of the cold which makes it easier for the germs to get from one person to the next. With all the rain and humidity it means less vitamin D, so your immune system isn’t working as well. But you can prevent all of this by washing your hands as frequently as you can and before you eat. The best way to wash your hands is for 20 seconds with soap and water.
So everyone, you may get sick this fall. So be prepared!
guy that gos around the world • May 2, 2024 at 12:53 pm