8th Grade and Teachers
Zach Yost thought it was good and his favorite song was Summon Heroes. Melina Makled thought it went well and liked Locomotive. They were both surprised by the amount of people that came to support them. Mr Hawkins (the band teacher) thought the concert went very well and he underestimated the amount of people that came to the concert. Mr Darren the janitor (who helped put out chairs and clean up) thought all the bands played very well and also underestimated the amount of people that came to the concert.
7th grade
Tj Kaminski liked the Locomotive and thought the bands played well. Gunner Mcwhiter said “My favorite was Afterburn but I think we could have done better. Henry Meyers thought Mystic Legend was good but agreed with Gunner “We could have done better because we almost fell apart in Afterburn. Alrick Vandyk thought we could have done better but it was fun. Nick Juarez agrees with Gunner as well, “we did good but we could have done better.”
6th grade
Laim Knickerbocker’s thoughts were, “I had fun and was shocked by the 7th and 8th grade bands. August Kowatch said he had fun and that all the bands played well. Patrick Medaugh thought the concert went well and he had fun. Cole Shaft agrees with Patrick, “I thought it went well and it was fun. Dan Badallaha said, “It was fun and I was surprised how well the other bands played. Myles Cranford thought it went well and said he had fun. Walter Duerr thought it went well and said he had fun. Natille Black said, “At first I was nervous but then I realized it wasn’t scary and I had fun.” Scott Kost said he had fun and that it went well. Norah Harrison said she had fun and was surprised by the other bands. Rosella Perry agrees with Norah. I had fun and was surprised by 7th and 8th grade.
Song links: