The West basketball tryouts were this week. The 7th grade held their tryouts on 12/11 and 12/13, and the 8th grade held theirs on Tuesday and Thursday. Call backs were on the thirteenth and the final call back were on the 15th-17th of December. The top 10 players make the team, and Mr. Wells is the coach.
Once the first two days of tryouts are finished coach Wells will pick the players that he thinks have the best chance of making the team to come back to the gym on Friday. The players get an email with a list of ID numbers and whoever’s on the list is coming back for the second tryouts. On Friday another tryout will start and Mr. Wells will test if you are capable of being on the team.
The West season runs from December 11th to February 1st. It costs $200 to get into the team if you make it. It costs $2 for adults to get in a game, and $1 for students. We play each middle school twice, so we play 8 games in the season. Good luck everyone who tried out.
Go Bulldogs!