The original Nintendo Switch was released in 2017, which means the original switch is almost 7 years old. It’s about time for a new one, and that’s what they are doing.
Unfortunately, some of the fun facts about the switch we have now might change. There’s no way to tell, because they won’t leak anything. For example, the Nintendo switch has an extension set collaboration with Star Wars, called the Labo Star Wars Special Set. If you get that, you can turn your controllers into lightsabers.
The new Nintendo Switch is estimated to cost around $400 and look around the same. They are adding a Metroid sequel too! The new Switch might have 12GB of RAM. That’s really good. It’s estimated to be released in April of 2024.
Some people on the Internet wanted to be able to connect their Wii remote to the switch, while also wanting to gain trophies and/or achievements. People also wanted to see a better Eshop. A big thing that was wanted was be able to rate games.
Are you going to be getting the new Switch?
don't buy the ps5 pro • Sep 18, 2024 at 9:45 am
I’ve been playing on Nintendo switch for 5 years and I just recently got a PC so I will not being buying the switch two but I hope it does better than the playstation 5 pro because that thing is a scam like 700$ for something that costs sony 400$ like sony is scamming console owners because they think they dont know.