Art Classes at West Middle School Need More Supplies!
October 17, 2017
Does art class need more supplies? The budget for art was $1,500 but reduced to $1,100, cut by 20% while having to support 240 kids with that money. This list will show you supplies an art class may need.
Graphite pencils, they have different textures and feels. For example, 8B is the darkest version for refined sketching. 6H is the lightest version so mistakes won’t be a problem. This is better for people who sketch before they draw.
Fined liners, they make stuff stand out. It’s like outlining with a pen but it looks better. I wouldn’t bother with the color ones, just get more of the black ones. Brands like uni pen, precise V5 (I use it).
Alcoholic markers make everything look better. It doesn’t make your paper look sloppy But make sure it won’t bleed through badly. The best thing about it, you can mix colors. Touch five or copy or twin markers are good brands.
Paper, Any paper will do but it will bleed if too thin. I recommend to just get the thickest paper in your house. Some brands that work are bleed proof paper or x press it paper, it all will work.
“Every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain an artist as we grow up”- Pablo Picasso. This quote relates because if we get more supplies, more people will want to draw, that means more willing to improve.
Wendy Schultz • Nov 26, 2017 at 7:12 pm
I would love to make a Sign Up Genius for your art class. If your teacher will put together a list she has for the classroom I will make a Sign Up Genius. I’m sure parents and students will support adding supplies to your classroom to compensate for the lost 20% revenue. Let’s see what we can do!