Josephine Paxson and Kaitlyn Dayringer are 7th graders who are on the PC Pom team. Pom is a mixture between dance and cheer. The PC Pandas had a competition a few months ago and got 1st in the region.
June 16-20th will be a camp for the team. The camp consists of learning new routines, and performing them every day. The last day they perform every routine they’ve been working on.
PC Pom had its inaugural season in 2010 where a position was offered to 5-8th graders. Now it has positions for 2nd to 5th graders on their “Mini Panda’s” team. The Pandas are a great program and the people I interviewed have lots of fun and have made many friends. Josephine said, ” I like the people on the team they are all really nice.” Kaitlyn said ” It’s really fun, but it’s also challenging.”
All in all ,everyone who is on the team has lots of fun and really likes it. It is a lot of work, but nothing they can’t handle.