Surveys have found that Halloween has a risk for injury or in some cases death (Go Health Urgent Care).
One thing to notice is allergies. Make sure to know your allergies, like as an example, if you have a nut allergy, then don’t eat Reeses. Also, check if the candy is damaged or opened, don’t eat in case they have been tampered with.
Always go out in groups, or with parental supervision. Make sure to bring a flashlight, glowstick, or anything in the dark so when you cross streets you can see oncoming traffic, and oncoming traffic can see you.
Try not to pick out a baggy costume because the risk of you tripping is very high.
Lastly, have a route in place so you don’t get lost in the dark. If you stay within your neighborhood.
Or stay within a place you know, you will be more prone to kidnapping, as people will most likely know you, And will most likely stop threats. Don’t use real candles to light up a jack-o-lantern, because it’s a fire hazard. Consider using glow sticks or battery powered lights. This is because if you trip and fall on the pumpkin, it could create a fire, or set you on fire.
Remember, if you get seriously hurt, Urgent care is open on halloween. Never go inside a stranger’s home on Halloween, and only stay on the porch, and make sure people are around like trusted adults or friends you are trick or treating with. So make sure to stay safe on Halloween.
Be sure to check out the link at the top! It has more info on how to be safe on Halloween!