Solar flares are similar to solar storms. Solar flares are an explosion of particles or energy in space.
Solar flares affect earth by disturbing Earth’s magnetic field. According to NASA, “a geomagnetic storm that can produce effects such as radio blackouts, power outages, and beautiful auroras.”
The way solar flares happen according to NASA, “The Sun creates a tangled mess of magnetic fields — kind of like a disheveled head of hair after a fitful night of sleep. These magnetic fields get twisted up as the Sun rotates — with its equator rotating faster than its poles.” After all of that happens lots of energy is released and then a solar storm happens.
These flares are put into classes and the classes are A-M and are divided by 9. But the X class is the highest. According to NASA, “The most powerful flare ever measured was in 2003, which was recorded as an X28 before our sensors were overwhelmed.”
If you would like to get involved, NASA said, “There are participatory projects that you can get involved with to help NASA better understand solar storms, such as Aurorasaurus where you can help scientists investigate when and how the Sun’s activity sparks colorful auroras around the world.” Aurorasaurus is a website where you can report if you see a aurora to help scientists.
Solar flares are not very harmful, but do you think that it is possible that in the future the solar flares will have a major impact on Earth?
em • Nov 1, 2024 at 11:09 am
great job, good topic.