Students get very stressed and it definitely impacts their lives. It can happen at sports, at home, and especially in class. It affects their bodies mentally and physically.
Over half of teens feel stress about academics. According to The U.S. News 61% of teens are stressed and overwhelmed with school.
Another thing that causes a lot of stress is family issues. People with a stable home life have a lower chance of having mental health issues. On the other hand kids with some family issues or parent issues have a higher risk of having mental health problems. Some things are divorced parents, parents fighting, relatives struggling, and some things with siblings.
The last thing that can tend to cause stress is sports. Some kids have a lot of stress because they have a lot of practice or a lot of games, tournaments etc. But they can also struggle with having stress because they think they are not performing the best they can or think they need to be better. Some kids also set unrealistic goals or they have perfectionism which is to feel like you need to be perfect. Some things they could be stressed about is playing time, or performing skills.
Stress changes teens’ appetite and sleep, makes them have a hard time concentrating and focusing, and they tend to start avoiding social activities. Etc. Stress also affects your body physically like muscle pain, digestive problems, and a lot of headaches.
Some things you can do to help with stress is talk to some family or friends. Hang out with people that make you happy. And lastly, find things that make you calm and not stressed out or overwhelmed. Or some more general things you could do are sleep, meditate, do physical activities, and have healthy drinking and eating habits.
Works Cited:
National Library Of Medicine “Teens And Stress: When It Is More Than A Worry.” NIH MedlinePlus Magazine.,or%20having%20thoughts%20of%20suicide. December 4, 2024.
Harmony United Psychiatric care. “The Impact of Family Dynamics on Children’s Mental Health.” Harmony United Psychiatric care.,vulnerable%20to%20mental%20health%20problems. December 4, 2024.
Mike Keenan. “The Pros and Cons of Youth Sports Participation: A Review (2024).” Jersey care. December 4, 2024.
Terrified 6th grader • Dec 4, 2024 at 2:49 pm
I know what stress does to myself