Compared to this year’s weather, last year in February was completely different with an average temperature of 35.4 degrees and 23.3 this year. Overall, that’s a big difference from last year with about a 12 degree decrease. A lot of students at West are wondering how much more snow days they can have. Research has led us to believe that we can get 6 snow days in total for district schools.So far this month the highest amount of snow was about 4 inches. We’ve had so much snow this year that we’ve currently had four snow days at West Middle School.
We have two more potential bad weather days. So students, stay warm and remember to bring your coats,hats and gloves to prep for the possibility of more cold weather to come.
Credit goes to:
.ABC news Comparing the two very different February’s By Kolton Woods
.CBS news The totals across the region By Troy Bridges, Stacy DuFord, Karen Cater