Must Watch List
December 12, 2017
Wonder. First was a book that sold over 15 million copies in the 2nd year. Now a huge hit at the movie theater. Based on a true story, a 5th-grade boy has to deal with the bullies of going to school and he has to try to get along with friends at school. this is all caused by a very rare disease that he was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, which causes his face to look different.
Stranger Things. The smash hit Netflix show, with over 15 million people watching. Two seasons full of adventure. A boy goes missing into another world and four friends and a girl go on huge adventures to save there best friend. Based on a true story where government spies do human experiments to fight in a war. Carson Foley, West Middle School 7th grader, says on a scale from 1 to 10 it’s a 9 ½. If you like sci-fi you will love this series.
Thor Ragnarok. A movie that made over 15.6 million dollars in two days. then in two weeks made over 500 million. Set on the other side of the world, the mighty Thor finds himself in a deadly gladiator’s battle against the mighty hulk. Thor’s tries to survive the gladiator battle while also trying to protect his homeworld from being destroyed by the powerful Hela.
Justice League. This first was a very popular comic book, now a movie that made over 19.6 million in the first two days. and also is the 2nd most paid for movie ever made! If you like Marvel or DC, this is for you. Batman and Wonder Woman team up with Aqua Man, Cyborg, and the Flash to try to stop their planet from being destroyed by the newest and worst villain.
A Nonny Mouse • Nov 26, 2019 at 12:55 pm
Justice League started off strong but then Nose-dived into bad ratings.
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Robert • Oct 18, 2019 at 12:54 pm
I Like wonder