Problems With School Lunches
December 12, 2017
Lunch at West is overpriced! The average lunch price is $3.50. The price itself is high, this totals to $52.50 for just three weeks!
The quantity of food served is low. There needs to be a bigger quantity of food on the tray because some of the students say it was not that as much food as it should be.
Another concern is the quality of food. Some of the choices are not appealing, as well as really greasy and processed. A few examples are the orange chicken bowl and the Bosco sticks. They are greasy and unhealthy.
The lunch does not have many options. There are two to three choices every day. You get a main dish, choice of fruit or vegetable, and milk. And if you want anything else, like a snack, you have to buy it. And not to mention the snacks are pretty pricey.
You know the fizzy drink called “The Switch”? That drink is a dollar, even though it should be about $0.50 or $0.75. The Izze portion is very small and buying it is also a ripoff! A dollar for a few gulps of juice, not worth it.
We asked a few questions to the Mrs. Becky, lunch lady.
Q: “Where does the money go?”
A; “The money goes to the bank and pays for food and for the kitchen.”
Q: “Why the switches are a dollar?”
Q: “When we buy a switch, they are about 75 cents each, so it is a dollar to make profit.”
Mrs. Becky also states that the quality of food is getting better. We asked if people can get a bigger amount food, and she said, “Already tried, also it is confusing for the students”.
A Nonny Mouse • Nov 26, 2019 at 1:03 pm
Here are some things I have to say:
-My old school’s lunch gave me food poisoning
-The salads are the size of my Face
-The Bosco sticks are tiny but for some reason need a giant bag?
-Regular portions are kinda Small
-Stop complaining. My old school’s burgers were practically blue, and the chicken was gray. Be happy that the lunches don’t make you sick!
Elle • Jan 26, 2018 at 8:15 am
I think you are right the food should be cheaper or they keep the same price and have bigger quanity. They can also make the food more organic and the keep the same price
Robert Stelmock • Dec 22, 2017 at 8:14 am
I don’t think its confusing at all
Lucianq • Dec 21, 2017 at 8:18 am
just for one poptart it is $1.50 alot of money
Evan Pirrie • Dec 21, 2017 at 8:12 am
I actually kind of agree with you. Maybe meals should be broken down in cost a little less, and greasy foods are bad. For example, whenever my brother eats greasy food, he’ll get sick afterward, and he’ll get here in a few years. So, this is really important. Thanks for reminding me!
graham pirrie • Nov 18, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Im his little brother 4 years later.
Abby • Dec 21, 2017 at 8:11 am
I totally agree the lunches are too expensive, I’m only allowed to buy once a week because they are so pricey
Mason Sokolowski • Dec 20, 2017 at 10:42 am
nice article guys 😛
Ethan Belanger • Dec 20, 2017 at 10:36 am
Don’t be mean to the lunch ladies 🙁