Black Friday Sales and Madness

People go crazy at a mall for sales.

from Capitol Hill Blue

People go crazy at a mall for sales.

Kyle Pierson, Reporter

Black Friday is on November 24th, 2017 right after Thanksgiving. Some sales might start before November 24th, so keep checking for the sales and be careful not to trample anyone as you race towards the check-out line.

JC Penney, Macy’s, Sears, Target, and Kohl’s are the most popular stores that people go to during Black Friday. The best sales are the Bluetooth “OBD2” reader and motion activated sprinkler.

Michelle Pierson (WMS parent) states that she has gone Black Friday shopping. Michelle thinks that Black Friday is unnecessary to have and causes absolutely craziness. “People at stores get trampled and it hurt.” It can cause so much pain to people and it is not good.

Edward Dworsky a founder of says, “I go for the sport of it,” he said. “It’s the same reason people play the lottery. You hope to win. In this case, you want to score that super bargain.” So people do it for fun sometimes too!

Sometimes the Black Friday sales are great, but sometimes they are the same price as always.