Primetime Talk


JJ Gardner and Parker Foley

If you have questions on primetime this is the article for you. We interviewed West students and staff about the new primetime set-up. There are definitely mixed feelings about the “class”. 

Eugene Brown, a seventh grader, said, “I sort of like it because it is a break in the day. PrimeTime should not be a choice class because there would be classes that would only be 30 minutes.” Although, he does thinks PrimeTime should be shortened to 15-20 minutes. He is reading Titanic Book 3 S.O.S.

Brady Price, a seventh grader, said, “I do not like PrimeTime because it is too sudden and a big stop in the day.” Brady reads Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul during Primetime.

 Carson Foley, an eighth-grader, thinks that Primetime should be first thing in the morning, “I do not like it because kids need to relax before the 1st hour, also because students don’t get enough sleep.” He also noted, “Primetime should be a choice class because kids like to read in the middle of the day, but some kids do not. Primetime should be reading and homework time because some kids have after-school activities and can’t finish their homework.” 

Mrs. Howe said, “We don’t have homeroom anymore because kids were arriving late to school because their parents thought it didn’t matter so they brought their kids in late.” She mentioned she does like PrimeTime, but the timing is an adjustment for her because she is used to helping kids first thing in the morning during homeroom. 

One thing is for sure, change isn’t easy.