Sixth Graders Like West!

Grace Cheetam and Hannah Comar

This year West Middle School welcomed the incoming sixth grade class for the 2018-2019 school year. The transition from elementary school to middle school can be challenging, but our sixth graders seem to love the change!

Sixth graders in Mrs. Grady’s primetime and fifth-hour classes surveyed.  75% of sixth graders said that they loved West. The rest felt that West was just “okay”.  More than half the 6th graders we gave the survey said that some people are kind at West but also some aren’t. A lot of the 6th graders said that they liked the electives most out of all their classes because they think they are so much fun.

One 6th grader wrote in the survey that they think West is trying their very best to keep out bullies.

Another 6th grader said, ”[West] has taught me to study and do my best all the time and that I’m awesome.”

Plenty of the responses we got were about being kind and to always support other people in the school.

It seems that the sixth graders are comfortable at West and feel part of the school. Welcome sixth graders. We are glad to have you!