Cliques: Are you in one?


Journalism student acting common hallway behavior.

Viviana Buzzelli and Hannah Comar

Cliques. A small group of people with shared interests, according to the Google Dictionary. There are many cliques at West this 2018-2019 school year. Cliques are usually made up of students who are considered to be “popular”.  

Cliques can affect people differently in many ways. Cliques can be nice or mean. Some cliques are nice to only their friends and not others, but other cliques can be nice to everyone. Cliques can lead to peer pressure in order for someone else to do something they want them to do. “I think cliques could be really positive or negative just depending on how they operate,” Mrs. Swift explained.

Cliques can cause many different problems. One big problem with cliques is that it can start unwanted drama and negative rumors get spread easily. Another big situation is how bullying can start. Friends can get excluded from the group and can feel left out. Olivia Stults told us, “They need to end because they make people feel excluded.”

Cliques can form anywhere, even at West Middle School. Cliques at West are not too common, but there are a few kinds. Dominic Buzzelli, eighth-grader explained that there are jock cliques and cliques that consist of the “usual people.” There are sporty cliques, popular cliques, and smart people cliques, Things that made people popular at West are wearing expensive clothing and playing sports. Mrs. Swift emphasized“ I think sometimes it’s pretty superficial, pretty girls, or the cute boys, sometimes it could be the really athletic people or the smart people”

There are cliques all over the world, affecting people daily. Cliques are not always the best to be a part of. From all of this ask yourself, “Am I part of a clique? Could I include more people at school?”