What is Real and What’s Not on the Internet?

In our society, we have scammers, child predators, and other threats on the internet. It leaves us wondering, “What is real and not on the internet?”  To answer the questions, we went to our trustworthy sources, Mr. Smiley and Mr. Watson. Both sources believe that children K-12 are vulnerable to internet scams and danger. Mr. Smiley stated,¨Yes because they have less experience on the internet¨.

Mr. Smiley also mentioned that is can be hard to catch people doing bad things on the internet. However, once these people are caught, should these scammers go to jail? Mr. Watson said, “Depends on the particular scam” and Mr. Smiley said “Um… there should be some type of penalty for them I’m not sure if jails the right thing but like maybe a fine um…  you know maybe they lose their ability to go online you know… something like that.” Even Mr. Smiley and Mr. Watson have had to deal with scammers. Mr. Smiley revealed that he “knows some people that have had their identity stolen.”

The problem with today’s internet is that there are lots of fake news websites out there.  Fake news often sends out false messages and triggers panic among people. Mr. Watson exclaimed, “Uhhhhh, they…….. are…….. the… price we pay for the freedom of speech.” and Mr. Smiley exclaimed, “I don’t think that there is a way to control what goes on there.”