New Security Badges for West Staff is helping make West safer!


Security camera in C Wing outside of Mrs. Bazzi’s classroom door.

Brody Burley and Chris Caloia

How far are the security measures at West Middle School going to reach? West already has security cameras in the hallway and many feel that West is safe enough, but is “safe enough” really good enough?

When we interviewed Mr. Smiley, Principal at West, he gave us a rundown of a plan to update the security here at West Middle School. First, getting all the cameras that are already in the place pointed in the right direction, recording and working out the kinks and bugs. 

The second step for making West safer was installing card scanners at the doorways and entrances that staff would be allowed to access. This would require all school staff to have an ID badge that they would need to swipe in order to enter and they will have training on how to use ID cards, and how to politely and cautiously approach people who are in the building without a name badge and ask why they are here. 

Plans on implementing the same security measures to all PCCS buildings are also in the works. The new Security and Safety Director John Walker will oversee security for all the schools in the district and work with the local Police to handle any and all safety concerns that may arise.

The biggest change for students has been security cameras. These cameras can be used to handle discipline problems. For example, if someone breaks in a locker. However, West maybe never ben done updating its safety measure. Each year the local police and leaders in the district reevaluate how to make our buildings safer.