Bored out of Your Mind? Here are Some Movies that are Worth Watching on Netflix and Disney+
Bored because of school closures? Check out DIsney+ and Netflix’s top movies.
March 15, 2020
West Students and other students in Michigan Schools have 3 weeks off of school because of concerns over the COVID-19, more commonly known as the Coronavirus. Because of this, most kids are stuck at home, bored out of their minds. Luckily, there is Netflix and Disney+, which can both be accessed at any time, with the internet. So you don’t have to endlessly scroll through the many movies and shows they have, I compiled lists of trending shows and movies and got fellow West Students’ opinions and recommendations.
Some of the most trending movies and shows on Netflix are listed here: Corpse Bride, Freedom Writers, Hook, Hugo, Kung Fu Panda 2, Lemony Snicket’s, Series of Unfortunate Events, Looney Toons Back in Action, Richie Rich, Space Jam, Tootsie, Valentine’s Day, Carmen Sandiego: To Steal or Not to Steal, Boss Baby Back in Business Season 3, and finally, Shaun the Sheep: Adventures from Mossy Bottom.
Claire Donoher, a 7th grader at West, and a frequent Netflix user says, “I have seen a little bit of Richie Rich and I have seen Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events.” “ I would recommend A Series of Unfortunate Events because it is really entertaining and has a few funny parts in it too.”
Some of the most trending movies and shows on Disney+ are listed here: Avengers Endgame, Frozen 2, Escape to Witch Mountain, Gravity Falls, The Simpsons, Wall-E, High School Musical The Series, Noelle, The Mandalorian, Free Solo, Alice in Wonderland, Stargirl, and Star Wars the Clone Wars.
Lucy Kaiser, a 7th grader at West, and a frequent Disney+ user says, “ I have seen Avengers Endgame, Frozen 2, Wall-E, Noelle, Escape to Witch Mountain and Alice in Wonderland.” “I recommend Marvel movies and classics like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Also, all the movies I listed. The new Lady and the Tramp also looks good.”
With all these movies I’m sure no one will be too bored! Remember, wash your hands, cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze, and stay safe!
weeb • Apr 24, 2020 at 6:46 pm
show and movie suggestions.if you were to only watch three of these, watch k-on your li in April and saiki k
k-on(Ritsu is best girl)watch the movie after(the english dub is really good)
your lie in April(if you wanna cry)
himouto umaru chan which is on Hulu and season 2 is on amazon prime
a silent voice
the disastrous life of Saiki k
Toradora on Crunchyroll free with adds
love live on Crunchyroll also free with adds and this other website you can watch it on but I forgot the name of it(nico nico nii)
violet evergarden
hunter x hunter.
after school dice club
mind you these are all anime but if you’re just getting started with anime or have never watched it, these could get you into it
Giorgi Nischik • Mar 26, 2020 at 11:13 am
Replying to A Nonny Mouse-
I love I am Not Okay With This! That would be my top pick for shows on Netflix! It is rated TV-MA, for language, so I didn’t include it in the article. But I love the plot and how the writers made the characters fit perfectly in the story.
Izzy • Mar 23, 2020 at 10:34 am
I really like the adventures of merlin on Netflix! It is super good!!! Check it out!!
also great job giorgi!
A Nonny Mouse • Mar 19, 2020 at 10:57 am
I would definitely recommend “Prank Encounters” with Gaten Matarazzo and “I am NOT okay with this”
Giorgi Nischik • Mar 16, 2020 at 8:10 pm
Thank you!
Hello • Mar 16, 2020 at 12:40 pm
Great job Giorgi!
P.S.- your mom is a great substitute:)
Giorgi Nischik • Mar 15, 2020 at 8:39 pm
Please feel free to list your favorite movies on Disney+ and Netflix right here in the comments section. Also, feel free to list what you do when you are bored.