Teachers, Students K-12, and College Students are all having trouble with virtual school
School at home.
October 27, 2020
According to Terri Gogola, a teacher for the Livonia Transition Program, Alyssa Kanclerz, a student at Michigan State University, and Alayna Woodley, a 7th grader at West Middle School, all want to go back too face-face. Although younger grades start to trickle back into face-face school, there is no set date for when West will go back face-to-face. Middle School students in PCEP will remain virtual for the first semester.
Higgins, Lori. “Nearly 90% of Michigan School Districts Are Giving Students a Face-to-Face Learning Option.” Chalkbeat Detroit, Chalkbeat Detroit, 28 Aug. 2020, detroit.chalkbeat.org/2020/8/28/21406118/nearly-90-of-michigan-school-districts-are-giving-students-a-face-to-face-learning-option.
Emily Dancy • Dec 16, 2020 at 8:24 am
Doctors are begging students to go back to school it’s insanity that we’re not back yet!
Destinee • Dec 2, 2020 at 8:14 am
The entire point of online school is to prevent and protect us of getting the virus. You could asymptomatic and pass it on to someone else that could have more risk of dying.
Mackenzie D. • Oct 30, 2020 at 12:19 pm
I do agree that I and a lot of other teachers and students would love to go back to school. But I wouldn’t call it dumb that we’re not going back to school, because there is still a virus going around, and it’s not going to just disappear anytime soon, we will have to keep each other safe by wearing a mask and keeping 6 feet apart when we can.
Chloe Fournier • Oct 28, 2020 at 8:26 am
I think that us not going back face to face is completely DUMB. excuse me for my bad language but it is. I mean, my mom is a doctor and she never got to stay home because of covid. And the same with my dad. And guess what? THEY NEVER GOT COVID and my mom is a doctor at Saint Mary Mercy Hospital which if you didn’t know, had the MOST number of covid patients coming in outside of Detroit. But she STILL went to work because she has people who need her. But she was brave and she went to work and I think that the teachers can do the same thing.
Destinee • Oct 28, 2020 at 8:17 am
Nice Artical