West students opinions on the West iPhone Policy

Away for the Day iPhone Policy
January 12, 2021
Recently there was a rule established for PCCS schools to not allow students to have their phones with them during school hours and they would keep their phones in their locker until school was over. But not everyone agreed with this rule, especially the students. Lots of students did not think that this rule was fair.
A survey was sent out to all west students to ask them whether they agreed with the iPhone policy or not. 131 students responded to this survey and there was just a seven vote difference. 69 of those students who took the survey did not agree with the policy and 62 of them did.
Georgia Bird, West 8th grader, stated, “I think it is a good policy for all schools. I feel that if I had my phone in class I would be more concentrated on my phone than on the class. I think the teachers also agree with this policy because it keeps students focused in class, and I think that if a student used their phone in class the teachers would feel like they are being ignored.”
Evelyn Stiglish, West 7th grader, stated, “I do not agree with the West iPhone Policy. I do agree that it has its reasons, and we shouldn’t be playing games or texting friends during class but I think that lots of students, including me, think your iPhone can be useful in class to take notes or to use your calculator if needed. Also, an iPhone can be useful if your parent needs to get a hold of you in the middle of the day to tell you that they will be late.”
There are lots of students that don’t agree with the policy, and they think that your phone would be good to have in school in case of a family emergency, in case there is a school emergency, or maybe if you need to get a hold of someone quickly.
But there are also lots of students that think the policy is reasonable. If a student had their phone in class they could decrease their social interaction, not pay attention in class, and not do as well in school because they are not paying much attention. It is also very hard to text people or play games on their phones at the same time as doing the school work they have been assigned.
There were lots of students who liked the policy and lots who didn’t but I think we can all agree that if we had our iPhones in class it would not help us in the long run.
. • Dec 6, 2022 at 1:00 pm
I think we should get rid of this rule. there are days when my anxiety gets really bad and I almost have a panic attack at school and I wouldn’t have my phone with me to text my mom or dad to help calm me down or even take me home. personally, I don’t feel comfortable talking to other adults than my parents when this is happening which is why I feel like having my phone with me would make me feel more comfortable and safe at school. not that I’m addicted to my phone, but that if I had it, my anxiety wouldn’t be as bad because I knew if I had easy access to my mom and dad I would feel more comfortable and safe.
anonymous • Apr 12, 2021 at 8:50 am
i think we should get rid of this rule. there are days where my anxiety gets really bad and i almost have a panic attack at school and i wouldn’t have my phone with me to text with my mom or dad to help calm me down or even take me home. personally i don’t feel comfortable talking to other adults than my parents when this is happening which is why i feel like having my phone with me would make me feel more comfortable and safe at school. not that I’m addicted to my phone, but that if i had it, my anxiety wouldn’t be as bad because i knew if i had an easy access to my mom and dad i would feel more comfortable and safe.
Shane Sullivan • Nov 3, 2021 at 12:37 pm
i totally agree with this and i hope they get rid of the rule
Dom • Mar 18, 2021 at 8:21 am
I think that we should be able to have our phones with us at least at lunch or recess because we are sitting in classes for 1hour and 45min. I think that the teachers can give us a phone break for 5 minutes. I don’t believe that we need them while the teacher is teaching or when we are doing work. I just think that we need some type of break. Good article tho.
Jenna Lanning • Mar 17, 2021 at 12:34 pm
I think we should be able to have our phones in our backpack and be able to use them because with masks, covid and social distancing it’s harder to make friends. With a phone you could have something to do if you don’t have friends at lunch or recess and if your friends not at school. With 105 minute classes the teachers could give us a 5 or 10-minute break to go on our phone. We could use our phones for calculators, texting parents or if you forgot your Chromebook you can use the student app on your phone for work.
Jack Kielbaso • Mar 17, 2021 at 12:13 pm
I liked your article.
Leyla Champine • Mar 9, 2021 at 8:19 am
I think we should be able to keep them! Good article.
SIlas Cosner-Beavers • Mar 8, 2021 at 12:47 pm
I think that as long students are not on their phones during classes and have their phones silenced during classes I believe that we should be able to keep our phones with us for after and before school.
i dislike this rule • Mar 4, 2021 at 8:21 am
I don’t like it because if someone in my family calls in an emergency I cannot contact them for the rest of the day AT LEAST let us have them at lunch or recess we don’t need them in the classroom
i dislike this rule • Feb 8, 2021 at 1:50 pm
this rule is dumb
shane • Nov 3, 2021 at 12:39 pm
i agree
minorfett • Feb 8, 2021 at 12:22 pm
I believe that we should have our phones in class for google, family emergencies, extedra.
john • Feb 8, 2021 at 9:55 am
i think we should do what the highschools do. Like you can keep your phone with you and not in your locker.And why do we have to put it in our locker.
Claire • Jan 27, 2021 at 9:49 am
I think it is ok to have your phone for texting your parents, using a calculator and, for notes if you want them at home to like send to a friend if that we absent today in class.
Alexia • Jan 13, 2021 at 8:23 am
Good article!