No 9 Square in the Cold Air

6th Graders playing 9 square

Natalie Basista

6th Graders playing 9 square

Natalie Basista, Reporter

Lately, 9 square hasn’t been outside at recess. It has been really cold at West. December 7th weather high was supposed to be 28 degrees!

“When it is really windy, like last week it (9 square) will fold if the wind is pushing it, it will break. Since it is an expensive piece of equipment and we love it, we don’t want it to break,” Mrs. Kulczycki says. 9 square is very expensive. It is over 800 dollars. “Also, the bummer of it is when it is really really cold, plastic is breakable when it gets really cold.” If you’ve ever played in the snow without gloves, you know how cold and frozen your hands get. Also, kids take it down, and I’m worried. Kids don’t always wear gloves, and their hands are super cold. Taking it down could potentially (injure) kids because it hurts more when your hands are cold.”

We are still currently fundraising for the permanent 9 square. I’m hopeful that we’ll get that up by early spring.