Teachers Pets: Meet Stella, Mrs. Priest’s Dog

Teachers Pets: Meet Stella, Mrs. Priests Dog

Natalie Basista, Reporter

Stella is Mrs. Priest’s dog and is 2.5 years old.

“She is a basset hound, the best breed of dog there is,” Mrs. Priest adds. Stella enjoys sleeping and sleeps 18-20 hours a day. She enjoys going outside and sniffing mailboxes.

“She likes counter-surfing. Her legs are really short, but she can stand on them, and arch her back to eat things you wouldn’t expect her to reach. Stella is able to open cupboards and get treats out, or food whenever she wants,” Mrs. Priest exclaimed.

“Stella loves all treats. She is not very picky. She likes her Kong, and I will put frozen dog food inside of it. Stella likes going on sniffs,  but she doesn’t like walking, and she is so low to the ground, so she will just pull. We tried putting a harness on her, but she wouldn’t move. She will just stand in one place and act like she can’t move.”

Stella loves car rides. Last year, for spring break we went to North Carolina, and she sat on my lap the whole way. Stella doesn’t have a favorite toy, because Stella primarily enjoys sleeping. She does enjoy stealing socks out of people’s sock drawers and runs around the house with the socks.

“Last year, when we were home the kids put a plastic bin on a skateboard. They tied a rope in the bin and placed her inside, and she had her very own Stella parade.” “Another good memory is the day we got her, because we surprised our kids with her on Christmas morning, and they were excited after because they didn’t know they wanted a dog.