What students would add to West

What students would add to West

Jack Roehl and Jackson Myers

If you could add one thing to the school what would it be? Well, we asked some students what they would add to West. Here’s what student Max Poole, a West 7th grader had to say, “If I could add anything to West Middle School I would add more high-quality footballs because there are not enough and all the other ones are torn apart.” This makes sense because if students want a decent football they usually have to bring one to school from their house. 

 Donovan Espinoza, a West 7th grader stated, “If I could add anything to West I would add a football team. Because a lot of people like playing football and I really like football. I think many other students would like a football team.” This is a good idea because many students at West like to play football at recess. 

Bryce Harlin, a West 7th grader said, “If I could add anything to West I would add a vending machine because some students might not have time to eat breakfast or they could get hungry during the day.” Although West already has a vending machine, it doesn’t work but it just has water. It would be nice to have a working vending machine that has snacks and water.

Last but not least we interviewed student Ben GarciaMcKinely, a West 7th grader “If I could add anything to West I would add a playground”, this can make sense for the students that don’t do much at recess or don’t find interest in sports.


If you could add anything to West what would it be?