The Kardashians


Sophia Kendall, Reporter

Everyone knows who the Kardashians are. You might have seen their TV show or one of their brands or products, or even follow them on social media. Why are the Kardashians such a hit? What do middle schoolers like about it?

Kardashian expert Raneem Hussein, a West 7th grader, loves the Kardashians, “My favorite Kardashian/ Jenner is Probably Kylie.” She likes the Kardashians/ Jenners because of their many skincare products. “Yes, I do think they should be famous because they work hard to put out new brands and products” Raneem dislikes Rob the most because he doesn’t really spend time with his family in her opinion. He just overall is a bad person, she claims.

Mackenzie Nellis, West 7th grader, “My favorite Kardashian/ Jenner is Kourtney” Kenzie doesn’t think the Kardashians should be famous because all they have is money and they don’t really work for stuff she thinks that they just kinda do stupid things and everyone praises them for it. “My least favorite Kardashian is Kris because of her dumb trends.” 

My favorite Kardashian is Kylie because she works really hard on her makeup brand. My least favorite Kardashian is Kim because she doesn’t really do anything other than skims and their clothes aren’t really that good. Personally, I don’t think they should be famous because other than their show they really don’t do anything. 

Comment down below what your favorite Kardashian is!