West Girls Weigh in on the best mascara brands

Makeup isle at Sephora in 12 Oaks Mall.

Norah Perkins and Madelyn Bobby

Many girls in the school wear mascara. But what makes a good mascara? A lot  of people might say how black the formula is, how long it makes your lashes, or how good it holds its curl. But what brand has the best mascaras? Here are some of West 7th grade girls’ favorite brands and most recommended mascaras.

Maylin, 7th grade girl, wears L’Oréal waterproof Telescopic mascara, “The mascara holds my lashes and curl all day.” Maylin also recommends Maybelline Sky High Mascara.

Mia 7th grade girl wears Maybelline Sky High Mascara Daily, “I like Sky High because It makes my lashes look really long and good.” Mia added, “I would recommend L’Oréal Telescopic and Maybelline Sky High”

Meghan West 7th grader uses L’Oréal Telescopic, “It is super easy to apply, isn’t clumpy and makes my lashes look good.” Meghan stated, “If I can’t recommend Telescopic I would recommend Sky High.”

Celine, 7th grade girl, uses L’Oréal Telescopic, Carbon Black, “It makes my lashes look long and voluminous.” Celine says, “I would also recommend Sky High by Maybelline.”

Oliva, 7th grade girl, uses Maybelline Sky High Mascara, “It makes my lashes look super long, I would also recommend Essence mascaras, like Lash princess.”

Overall, it seems that Maybelline Sky High and L’Oréal Telescopic are West’s favorites!