Field Day!

May 26, 2023
West Middle School is hosting its first ever field day on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023. This field day will be from 9:00-11:30. We collected information from West’s PBIS committee about this Field day.
Mr. Smiley told us that this Field Day is being planned by our PBIS committee which Mrs. Kulczycki and many other teachers are involved in. The field day has 4 different events and they each equal 25 minutes. 3 stations will be of choice, and the 4th one will be a snack station. These stations vary indoor and outdoor.
This field day is on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023. You will come to school at 8:15, go to first hour, and at about 9:00 am you will go to the Field Day events. Field Day is from 9:00 am to 11:25am. At 11:25 students will clean up and go to primetime for attendance and at 11:30 we will go home.
West students wanted to share their thoughts on this topic as well, so after getting information from Mr. Smiley and Mrs. Kulczycki, we wanted to see what students thought about the exciting, eventful day!
Ellie, West 7th Grader, likes the idea of field day. “I like the field day idea because there are a bunch of fun stations to go to and it gives you an opportunity to hangout with your friends if you don’t have classes together. It’s also good since you can make friends with other groups that you do activities with.”
Bridget, West 7th Grader, also likes field day. “I like field day since you can play fun games with your friends indoors and outdoors. Field day is fun for everyone because if you don’t like some of the activities like sports there are activities inside too. They also give you a lot of time to do your activity. I’m also glad that we will have food there for us too.”
The snack station will be 1 station out of your 4. So, you have 3 stations you get to choose from then the snack station will be your 4th station. The snack station operates just as all of the other stations; different groups will be in the snack station at different times. The snacks provided will be chips, juice, and water. You have a variety to choose from, so enjoy!
Elyse, West 7th Grader, likes field day. “ I like field day because I get to skip a day of school and just have fun with some of my friends. I also like that they give you a lot of activities to choose from and they vary inside and outside. I’m excited for field day and I think it’s going to be really fun. I also haven’t had a field day since elementary school so that makes me more happy that I can relive some of those moments.”
Adleigh, West 7th grader, doesn’t like field day. “ I feel like we could do something that is better and more fun than field day. Field day is kind of a basic idea and I think that students like it, but we did field days every year in elementary school and we’re in middle school. I would rather do something like last year where you could hang with friends or watch movies.”
It seems that most students support the idea of field day. Students are eager to experience a field day after many years of not having one; students are also happy that they got to choose their own groups! Are you excited for field day? If not, why and what would you rather do?