The debate on favorite candy on Halloween can be a tricky one. Everyone has their own preferences and tastes when it comes to candy and other foods. We have asked a couple of students that attend West Middle School some of their favorite Halloween candies, and we broke them up so we could get the top 3 most popular. The top through included Sour Patch Kids, Reese’s, and anything that involves Nerds.
Alex Ruiz a seventh grader at West Middle School explained why Reese’s is her favorite. She said, “Reese’s are amazing. It was hard to pick between all of the candy options but Reeses is definitely the best”. Meanwhile Marin Dickison had a strong opinion on this debate. Dickison claimed, “This debate is not a hard question whatsoever. Sour patch kids all the way!” Whilst reading their debates another student came up to me and gave me a strong conviction on why Nerds are the most popular Halloween candy. And here is what Aislinn Forte said about her conviction, “I love Nerds. They can seem like an odd tasting candy but they are for sure my all time favorite”. After hearing all of the different opinions on the most popular Halloween candy we decided to do a survey to break it down to the most popular candy. When we got the survey back the winning candy was Reese’s! Sour patch kids and Nerds tied while Reese’s got one point above those two candies.
Overall it may be clarified that Reese’s is the most popular Halloween candy. Even though you may be confused on why your favorite candy didn’t get picked, you should know that everyone has different opinions/tastes on candy and food in general. As Halloween approaches we hope you eat your favorite candies and have fun!