Swimming Coach Spencer Sonie

Darren Doyle, Reporter

Spencer Sonie, 18-year-old Canton High School swimmer, coaches for his third year for the West Middle School swim team.

First, Spencer works at a swimming place for young kids to learn how to swim, it’s called Goldfish. Spencer Sonie is a really great swim coach and is an impressive swimmer himself. Maggie Francis and Chloe Pangborn, seventh-grade West Middle School swimmers say, “Spencer is really fun, super energetic, and we feel like he really wants the best for us. He never criticizes, and he pushes you to get you better. He also loves the Walking Dead.” 

I also asked Spencer what is his favorite stroke for swimming and he stated, “My favorite stroke by far is breaststroke and that’s what I am the best in.” Spencer also stated that the reason he does swimming is that it’s not a ball sport that you have to be athletic sport to play, he also told me he might coach next year if he has the free time to do so. Spencer said,” I might coach swimming, but it would be for younger children.”

Spencer Sonie is an 18 year old senior doesn’t do any sports besides swimming. Spencer used to live in Philadelphia and now lives in Michigan. Spencer doesn’t know much about sports but he always wants the Eagles to win in football. 

If you’re already not on the swim team, considering joining next season! You’ll get to have great people like Spencer to coach you!