Mrs. Sav is Retiring!


Mrs. Savalox, 8th grade ELA teacher.

Mrs. Savalox (or Mrs. Sav) is an 8th grade Language Arts teacher at West Middle School. Mrs. Savalox is retiring at the end of the year and is planning to work for admissions at Northwood University when she is done here.  

Mrs. Savalox has taught for about 27 years now. For 25 years, Mrs. Savalox taught high school at the Park and two years at West. If Mrs. Savalox didn’t decide to be a teacher, she would have become a Lawyer. Mrs. Savalox has two kids that have graduated from Plymouth High School and has some advice for new teachers and students at West. Mrs. Savalox says, “New teachers should make sure that they love kids, build fun into the work, and hold [people] accountable.” For the new students, Mrs. Savalox states, “Kids should stay organized, make time for relaxation, take risks, and choose your friends carefully.”

Excellent words of wisdom from a teacher with a lot of experience!

When you see Mrs. Savalox in the hallways, make sure to tell her “thank you” and “good luck”!