PBIS Quarter 2 Reward!


Enzo Nocera’s PBIS cards that will be used as tickets for snacks and hot coco.

Enzo Nocera and JJ Gardner

The PBIS reward Quarter two reward at West middle school is on Friday, January 18, 2019. The reward will be held during 1st for eighth graders, 3rd for seventh graders, and 6th hour for sixth graders. This PBIS reward is the same for all grades, hot cocoa and a movie in the school cafeteria. Outside of watching a movie, students are allowed to play games on their phones, talks to friends, and sit wherever you want. 

The PBIS reward happens at the end of every quarter. If you have any PBIS cards left at the end of the quarter, then you can go to the reward. If you do something like run in the hallway or other negative behavior, then you could lose a PBIS card.

 Mrs. Hedge, West teacher and PBIS Committee leader, said that she likes rewarding students that do the right thing at West every day.  She explained that the committee has to buy lots of snacks and cups for the movie. There is a lot of planning that goes into these quarterly awards. 

So now you know. If you didn’t get to attend the quarter two rewards, there is still quarter three and quarter four to look forward to. In the past, those rewards have been the Talent Show and a day where students pick an activity of their choice. Keep up good behavior to attend the rewards!