Toys for Tots: An Escape To Help The Needy


Melina Bekiares, Editor and Writer

Christmas is coming up, and there are starving children around the world that need our help. The quantity of children dying of starvation and famine has lowered, but there are still millions of families out there that are struggling just to get a meal on the table. 

Around the world, children have nothing to eat, no warm coats and snug mittens to wear, and no toys to make them happy. Do they even know it’s Christmas time? This isn’t just about other countries, either. Nearly 50 Million people in America live in poverty and struggle to get by each day, while 47% of the world lives under $7.00 each day on the side of the road. That’s almost half the Earth.

Picture it: You want to get something to eat, but you only have 5 dollars in your pocket. See, people who are in poverty have no joy in their lives, because they are on the streets every day, begging for money. Some of them have homes, but they still have trouble paying their bills and can’t afford any toys for their kids. Some days they even struggle to get a meal on the table. Maybe someone left them, or they got fired from their job. Maybe a disaster happened to their house, or maybe they have a lack of clean water and food. Whatever the cause, this is the reason why half of 685 million people in the world are homeless or undertake stress in their lives each year.

That’s where Toys for Tots steps in. Toys for Tots is an American-Run organization, but it covers all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Together, Toys For Tots helps children in poverty around the world get what they want for Christmas. Some children lost their parents and are in foster homes.

Approximately 11,000 children in Michigan are in foster care, and over 400,000 children are poor in the United States. They just wait in torture and boredom for almost 3 years to get adopted. This is why we’re giving children who are less fortunate what makes them happy for Christmas. (

Toys for Tots has multiple locations all around the world. You can donate to them from the start of October to mid-December. The distribution of toys starts right before Christmas-Mid December. While Toys for Tots Coordinators organize, coordinate and manage the campaign, the ultimate success depends on the support of the local community and the generosity of the people who donate toys. 

It’s up to you-Do you want to see people cold and hungry this Christmas, with no toys? Do you want to see people on the streets, with no one to help them, begging for their lives? Do they even have families to celebrate Christmas with? Think about it. All the young needy children out there need a ton of help to survive. And you can help by donating to Toys for Tots today!